My PS5 hasn’t had anything wrong with it until a little while ago. I bought the Xbox brand new and it started smoking when turned on in 2 weeks. But from the experiences I’ve had, PS5 has never let me down. If Xbox made a console that runs better, id use Xbox. I’ve never seen my Xbox even be comparable to my PlayStation. I’m just saying out of MY experiences PS5 has always come out on top. I’m not saying Xbox is the shittiest thing to exist. I didn’t even care enough to finish what you were saying. I literally own both old and new gens of both Playstation and Xbox. Because you might have some serious mental deficiencies that need to be addressed. If you're not a 12 year old I genuinely feel bad for you. You said 1/8 Xboxs are smoking or on fire? Where tf did you even hear that? So incredibly wrong on so many different things. You have no actual data or evidence to support Xbox FPS or Playstations FPS. The only reason you have such a hard on for Playstation is because you're stuck in the console war mentality which truly says a lot about your intelligence and inability to be unbiased.
I own both ps5 and series X and my series X not only performs better, but some games like ori and the will of the wisps supports superscaled 6K resolution which is unlike anything I've ever seen on my ps5.

Listen I'm not saying one system is inherently better then the other like your simple console war brain might think, but if you have NO IDEA what graphics card is in the system maybe you shouldn't be speaking on it at all.
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